WTR1000 2019 –rankingit julkaistu

WTR1000 2019 –rankingit julkaistu

World Trademark Review eli WTR1000 2019 -rankingit on julkaistu. Eversheds Sutherlandin Suomen toimistoa suositellaan seuraavissa kategorioissa:

  • enforcement and litigation
  • prosecution and strategy

Toimiston laajeneminen itään on huomattu ja IP-praktiikkamme arvioidaan olevan kyvykäs mihin tahansa. Asiantuntijoistamme Tuukka Airaksinen ja Petteri Häkkänen noteerattiin henkilöinä alan ylimpään (Gold) kategoriaan:

“Eversheds Sutherland has one of the strongest IP practices in Finland” but is not resting on its laurels. The internationally minded firm has recently acquired offices in Moscow and Saint Petersburg to tend to trademark matters in Russia. The Finnish ensemble works together with subsidiary Heinonen & Co, which administers around 22,000 registrations; together they form a 30-strong team that is ready for anything. A former examiner at the EUIPO Tuukka Airaksinen applies his diligently cultivated skills to “manage large international portfolios with proficiency” and has emerged victorious from many branding skirmishes. Petteri Häkkänen loves to get stuck into complicated trademark infringement matters. Having authored several textbooks, he has an outstanding theoretical knowledge, which grounds his persuasive advocacy in court.”

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