Heinonen & Co’s parent company Attorneys JB Eversheds Ltd opens a sixth office in Pori – Sampsa Kataja as the head

Attorney-at-Law Sampsa Kataja has been appointed as a partner at Attorneys JB Eversheds Ltd and as the head of the office to be established in Pori. The new office will be opened on 20 April 2015.

JB Eversheds is one of Finland’s leading specialists in business law, and it operates in Helsinki, Hämeenlinna, Jyväskylä, Tampere, Turku and in the future also in Pori, employing 175 people. The Finnish JB Eversheds is part of the international law firm Eversheds International, which operates in over 30 countries with more than 4000 experts at its service. Opening an office in Pori expands the service network of the nationally operating law firm, making strongly local and genuinely global legal services available to clients in the Satakunta economic region.

Sampsa Kataja specialises in business and contract law and taxation. In addition, he will be responsible for the clients and staff of the new office in Pori. Mr Kataja has long experience of law and business life. Mr Kataja has been an Attorney-at-Law since 2002, prior to which he had worked as a lawyer in a law firm and a bank. Mr Kataja last served as a Member of Parliament, acting as responsible for the Legal Affairs Committee and as the Chair of the Finance Committee’s Tax Subcommittee. In addition, he has numerous international duties and responsibilities in companies operating in different industries.

– Sampsa Kataja’s experience of working in numerous companies and as a legislator brings clear additional value for the clients of our law firm. Our growth strategy both in Finland and abroad is best advanced through local commitment and international contacts, and Mr Kataja has plenty to offer in both respects, says Harri Tolppanen, Managing Director of Attorneys JB Eversheds Ltd.

– I am excited and happy to be given the opportunity to concretely demonstrate that it is worthwhile to invest in expert services and that the results will show immediately. I believe that the know-how and experience I have acquired on top of my previous career as an attorney will also bring additional value for our clients, Mr Kataja says, referring to his work in charge of the Legal Affairs Committee and as the Chair of the Tax Subcommittee in the Finnish Parliament.

Further information:
Harri Tolppanen Tel. +358 400 635045

Sampsa Kataja Tel. +358 50 5122571

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