What does artificial intelligence (AI) have to do with property law and risk management?

A lot, if we ask Partner Ismo Kallioniemi of our technology team. Published in the beginning of November, a book written by Ismo examines legal questions pertaining specifically to property law and risk management in the context of AI systems. The first part of the book focuses on the protection of property, while the second explores questions of liability. The final part of the book discusses AI systems from the point of view of criminal law.

The aim of the book is to answer the most central legal questions related to AI systems within the framework of existing legislation. Even though no separate legislation on AI exists, AI systems have their own kinds of effects on questions of property and tort law, among others. In some cases, AI systems and their use also involves a criminal dimension, which often seems to be ignored.
“The book is the first Finnish overview of the most central legal questions related to criminal law,” Ismo says and continues, “On the one hand, I have written this book for lawyers who encounter questions related to the development of AI systems or take part in assessing investments made in parties developing AIs. In such contexts, the views presented in the book have already proven to be accurate in practice in connection with our assignments. On the other hand, on a more general level that concerns practically all lawyers, the book explores tort law questions related to the use of AI systems and the criminal dimensions related to AI systems.”
The book ”Tekoälyoikeus – varallisuusoikeuden ja riskienhallinnan kysymyksiä” (AI Law – Questions of Property Law and Risk Management) will be available in the first quarter of 2022.

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